A2 Deadlines


Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog: 13th January

Friday 17 December 2010


In today's lesson we watched other people's music videos and got feedback from others in our class. In most aspects of our work, the other group that watched our video gave us mostly excellent with three goods. The goods were; overall creativity, using a variety of shots and matching the sound with images and editing to suit the music.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

14th December 2010

Above is a screen grab of our Website, we felt that we needed to divide the work equally and focus on both the editing and website and CD designing equally. With designing the website we found that it would be a good idea to have sub headings which are followed by writing and also images of the music video. We are also looking to add a barbed wire effect which carries on  from the pattern in the title and we found that it would be a good idea to have hearts attached and falling off some which are healthy and some which are broken.
Within our lessons we have been focusing on completing our editing for our music video. We have been able to emerge the forest clips with the beginning clips which are set in the hall. We have also been adding some effects as we have been going along, to ensure that we don't forget the techniques when we will be adding effects to the whole video. Here are some Screen grabs of our music video.