A2 Deadlines


Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog: 13th January

Sunday 26 September 2010

Possible Christina Perri Actress!!!

In our previous lesson we discussed possible actresses to play the role of Christina Perri in our music video. After much thought, Ashley came up with an idea to ask his friend Laura...

We now have confirmation from Laura that she will be Christina Perri in our music video. Laura would be an ideal candidate as she closely matches the appearance of Christina Perri herself. Laura is tall, thin and has similar facial features to Christina Perri. Laura also is quite a talented singer, which means she should be quite confident at acting and mouthing the lyrics from 'Jar of Hearts' to the camera.

This is a very important characteristic to have in an actress when performing in a music video, as the actress needs to be confident at looking into the camera lens whilst 'singing' the words to the song in order to create a realistic and professional effect.

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