A2 Deadlines


Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog: 13th January

Friday 19 November 2010

Audience Feedback

At this stage of the editing process we decided to ask another group in the class to give us feedback on what we had complete so far. The feedback tat the other group gave us mainly consisted on good and excellent comments. The group gave us the following comments:

- Overall creativity was good
- Holding a shot steady, where appropriate was excellent
- Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate was excellent
- Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate was good
- Shooting material appropriate for a music video was excellent
- Mise-en-scene appropriate for a music video was excellent
- Editing making the meaning apparent to the viewer was excellent
- Varied shot transitions, captions and other effects that are appropriate was excellent
- Matching sound and images and editing to the music was good
- Overall the music video so far was excellent.

We are pleased with feedback we received from the group and will try to improve our work to meet the excellent category in every aspect of our video.

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