A2 Deadlines


Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog: 13th January

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Tuesday 23rd November 2010

Today we were working on our website design mainly, and we have made several changes to the layout. With comparing the new design to the old one, it appears more realistic and suits the purpose well. The use of pink within the old design made the web page look tacky, however with using an image that we took of our location and fading it, it allows the design develop an eerie mood. This is what we have done so far, and at the moment we're working on changing the font. We are also thinking of having petals that are healthy, and petals that are rotted, this effect is used to represent that her old soul has died, and a new soul is growing within her. Therefore it'll be good if we had the rotted petals on the floor and fresh petals on top to show that she has moved on. Or perhaps we could use the idea of using hearts (cut out in paper) and use the same technique.

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