A2 Deadlines


Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog: 13th January

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Christina Perri (Laura) Test Shots/Character Design

This is Laura, the cast member we have selected to play Christina Perri in our music video. This document provides the information needed to apply Laura's costume and make up. We have decided that we should try and make Laura look like Christina Perri as much as possible by copying her hair style and make up. Laura's hair will be straight and layered like Christina Perri's hair style in her photographs. Laura's hair is red, which is different to Christina Perri's Black and Blonde hair, however we cannot change Laura's hair colour just to shoot some scenes for our music video. The red colour of Laura's hair could add a certain mood to the video however, as the colour red resembles love, passion and romance...

Laura's make up will have to be quite basic, with a pale white face and dark eyeshadow/eyeliner which is evident within Christina Perri's photos and Amy Lee (Evanescenece) music videos. This style of make up will follow the typical conventions of love, indie, emo music videos.

Laura will be wearing a white wedding dress/ball gown within the music video as her costume states in previous blog posts. This costume is also in-keeping with the typical conventions of music videos within this genre as Amy Lee, Kelly Clarkson, Christina Perri all wear 'pouffy' white dressed in their music videos.

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