A2 Deadlines


Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog: 13th January

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Filming - Wednesday 3rd November 2010

We began filming the narrative for our music video on the 3rd November 2010 (2weeks ago). We decided that it would have been better to do our narrative with the two characters inside the hall at Goosedale, and then take our outside videoing perhaps later on in the day or another day. However with most of our videoing being based around the inside area most of our day was taken up by the filming of the interior. However, fortunately, yesterday Wednesday 18th November 2010, we were able to do the rest our filming at Wollaton park which was for the exterior scenes. We also took some pictures which we will be using for our CD cover and perhaps for the website. Here are some pictures of us filming, soon there will also be some footage of behind the scenes provided!

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